M.P. Scholl

M.P. Scholl

Computational Science

Latest Posts

Monte Carlo Methods and GPU Acceleration in Option Pricing

Supercomputer at Home

Notes on how to set up a powerful computing cluster with high speed interconnects at home.

Fourier Series Expansion for Option Pricing

Implementation of Option Pricing through Fourier Cosine expansion.

The Mandelbrot Set

Investigation of the Mandelbrot set and numerical methods to approximate its area.

Finite Difference Methods in Option Pricing

Implementation and comparison of Forward Time Central Space and Crank Nicolson schemes for the Black Scholes equations.

Decisions From Experience and the Effect of Rare Events in Risky Choice

Summary of Decisions From Experience and the Effect of Rare Events in Risky Choice

Parameter Space Enumeration

C++ Code to compute a common scenario on a grid or super computer using MPI.

Notes on Epistemology and Bounded Rationality

Notes I keep about papers in Bounded Rationality